04 May 2004

There is something fundamentally wrong with a show whose idea of big band music results in more Barbra Streisand songs being performed than Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday combined. But that's what we got tonight on American Idol, as the big band competition resulted in a score of Mrs. Brolin 2, Actual Legends 0. The real loser, of course, was the viewing public.

That being said, the night made it pretty clear that Fantasia and La Toya are much better than the other three singers. Not that that's going to get them into the final. As far as tonight goes, any of the other three could go, and for no particularly good reason I'm going with Jasmine. Not the first time, but she seemed to fit into the theme least.

And for those of you who find my following of this show problematic, I will happily say that I did not watch last night's clip show. There are some limits.

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