02 January 2004

While Patriots Day is the typical day for marathons around these parts, I participated in three marathons yesterday without having to pin a number to my shirt.

First there was the traditional marathon of football, starting at 11 am and ending sometime after midnight. It's less of a marathon nowadays given the number of bowls that take place after New Year's Day, which is kind of sad. I miss the days of furious channel surfing (or, in the really old days, knob turning).

Cutting into the football (especially during some of the less competitive games) was the Twilight Zone marathon on Sci-Fi. Got to see "A Stop at Willoughby," which is one of my favorites, and the classic "To Serve Man."

Cutting into both of these was ESPN showing their coverage of the 2003 World Series of Poker, some of which I'd seen a few times and other parts I'd not seen at all.

So as you can tell, it was a very exciting New Year's around these parts.

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