28 August 2003

Another sign that training is taking its toll: we actually started a week from today, not yesterday as I said in that entry. I'm surprised I was only off by one day, to be honest.

And even though I was able to correct that mistake, I am still having trouble keeping straight what day it is. I've alternately thought that today was Wednesday or Friday (as well as actually knowing what day it is). You'd think I could tell the day by what training session I'm doing, but not so. I know the order of the sessions, but it's like I'm having them on Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 rather than days with actual names.

I will say that during this week I've gained tremendous respect for those people in my field who are older and have families. I'm not that old (in the grand scheme of things) and am just starting on the family road, and I feel like I'm behind where I used to be when I was young and single. I did have a couple of years where training was over while there was still some sunlight, so it could just be trouble re-adjusting to the longer schedule.

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