14 August 2003

The sports movie thing has already generated more email that most of the things that I ask you folks to write in about, which is kind of neat. Two people (the Bruce and Greg) made their case for Searching for Bobby Fisher, which were generally well done but don't change my mind any about chess as a sport.

Greg was also smart enough to point out that if I was rejecting The Deadliest Season for being made for TV, I need to reject Brian's Song as well. This pained me, given that I'd forgotten it was a TV movie to begin with. I am tempted to give it special dispensation.

Greg also inquired about the status of The Hustler, which is about pool, which is a pretty marginal sport if it even is one.

Can you tell Greg is the movie person among the people I know?

Given the discussion of what may or may not be a sport, I'm prompted to do something.


The goal: to compile a list of the top 50 movies all-time where some form of competition is integral to the plot of the movie, if not the entire purpose of the movie.

It's a fine line, to be sure, and like pornography you'll likely know what movies fit here by seeing them. For example, just because Ralph Macchio gets into a guitar duel in Crossroads doesn't make it a competition movie.

Anyway, send your nominees to me via my mail link. I'll compile a list and put something together for your edification, though probably not soon, what with RA training and the start of school coming.

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