30 August 2003

Apparently, since a video clip of Kevin Millar lip-synching "Born in the USA" debuted last week at Fenway, the Sox have won six of their last seven games. Perhaps the only person who needed to cowboy up was Millar himself?

Speaking of which, the Sox were on the Sunday night ESPN game not long after Millar's "cowboy up" comment, and neither Jon Miller nor Joe Morgan knew what he was talking about. Millar claims it's a Texas expression. My experience with Texas is limited to my dad's formative years, and he never used the term. Perhaps it's the Lone Star State version of steamed hams.

My only comment on the VMA kissing thing is that I can't understand the hoopla. Didn't we figure out some time ago that Madonna will kiss, rub, grind, hump, mount, grope, lubricate, lick, insert, rotate, suck, and/or tie up anyone to get attention? The Britney thing is an angle, but given the story that Boggie linked to a while back regarding Britney's fascination with lesbian porn I can't say I'm surprised with Britney's involvement, either. Remember, she told us herself that she's not that innocent.

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