08 June 2008


Well, OK then, maybe Friday voting isn't such a good idea, based on the vote totals. I think we'll go Monday through Thursday from here on out.

From the Turn On bracket:

(13)The Dana Carvey Show d. (4) Murder One, 4-2

Quote of the Match: "Dana Carvey - the show that almost killed its creator. Well, that and the malpractice." - Grim Reaper

(5) Buffalo Bill d. (12) Lateline, 6-0

Quote of the Match: "Buffalo Bill - Can "Drexell's Class" be far behind? You know, second grade would have been a lot more fun for me if AJ Langer was in the class and Dabney Coleman was the teacher." - Baron Von Rotten

Public Morals bracket:

(4)Crime Story d. (13) Nowhere Man, 5-1

Quote of the Match: "I remember playing a game against Dwight, who buzzed on about 4 words, answered "Nowhere Man", and deadpanned to his agape teammate - "You don't need to know it". Glad to know what it was, only took about 8 years...now if I can just figure out whom this Trogdor chap is and this person who owns all my base, we'll be all set." - Baron Von Rotten

(5)Andy Richter Controls the Universe d. (12) Greg the Bunny, 5-1

Quote of the Match: "Andy Richter - as a technical writer myself, I only wish my imaginary life was that much fun." - The Grim Reaper

(We can all be happy that Rosenberg does not, in fact, control the universe. Mitch Williams especially.)

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