15 June 2008


From the Turn On bracket:

(1)Sports Night d. (17) Idiot Savants, 7-2

Quote of the Match: "Sports Night - If the last eight minutes of "Two Cathedrals" are some of the most perfect television ever, "The Sword of Orion" is the essence of what a great half-hour of television could be. I stand by this belief." - Craig

(2) My So Called Life d. (18) It's Your Move, 6-3

Quote of the Match: "My So-Called Life - I will vote against this show soon. Very soon. But a 3rd rate Jason Bateman vehicle is not going to do it." - mingusmonk

South of Sunset bracket:

(1)Police Squad! d. (17) Bakersfield PD, 10-0

Quote of the Match: "Police Squad! - Okay, here's why ABC was Fox before Fox, you cancelled the show because you claimed it forced people to pay TOO MUCH attention." - Dwight

(2)Max Headroom d. (18) QED, 8-2

Quote of the Match: "I also vote for Max Headroom provided that if the show wins, we nominate Ron Headrest for president." - Rev. Godboy

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