23 June 2008

Trio Trophy - Day Fourteen

The last set from the round of 32. Quarterfinals will start tomorrow, but with only two matches per day rather than four. Sticking to the Monday through Thursday schedule, this will have the last two quarterfinal match-ups posted next Monday. We'll then take the rest of the week off and pick up with semifinals on Monday, July 7.

From the Turn On bracket:

(1) Sports Night v. (8) The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.

Sports Night defeated Idiot Savants 7-2 in the first round, while The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. defeated The Adventures of Pete and Pete 4-3.

From the South of Sunset bracket:

(1) Police Squad! v. (8) Love, Sidney

Police Squad! defeated Bakersfield PD 10-0, while Love, Sidney beat South Central, 5-2

From the Co-Ed Fever bracket:

(1) I'll Fly Away v. (8) Hooperman

I'll Fly Away beat Maximum Bob 5-2, while Hooperman defeated James at 15 6-5.

From the Public Morals bracket:

(1) Twin Peaks v. (9) Cupid

Twin Peaks beat The Slap Maxwell Story 6-1, while Cupid defeated Firefly 7-4.


Greg said...

Brisco. While SportsNight wisely phased out the laugh track, it sadly kept Snuffy Walden's score. Maybe bearable watching once a week, but very grating on DVD.

Police Squad!
meh...I'll Fly Away
Twin Peaks

Anonymous said...

The Baron is back - too late to save My So-Called Life *sigh*


This is like being forced to choose between "All I Wanna Do I Make Love To You" by Heart and "Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith

Police Squad

We'll start a Canadian theme with Leslie Nielsen.


- I know John Ritter isn't Canadian , but...

- I guess it says something when I remember ridiculous details about the pilot, like the watermelon crashing to the ground and the name of the landlady that was murdered, and the perp confessed-Perry Mason style. Raymond Burr was Canadian. (rimshot) (flying fruit - like the watermelon - hah!


I know Twin Peaks was set on the Canadian border. However, Paula Marshall starred in Snoops with Gina Gershon, and Paula Marshall replaced Jessalyn Gilsig in the pilot. Jessalyn Gilsig is you guessed it, Canadian!

Ze Baron

Anonymous said...


Police Squad

I'll Fly Away (I feel so dirty for this vote)

Twin Peaks

Brian said...

Sports Night

Police Squad

Hooperman -
I know it's a stretch, but
Tex Ritter was from Texas, parts of which are in the Canadian River watershed.

Twin Peaks

Dwight Kidder said...

Police Squad
Hooperman (We're just all having trouble dealing with the mildly cloying earnestness of I'll Fly Away, aren't we?)
Twin Peaks (I'm not sure what the opposite of mildly cloying earnestness is, but I'm pretty sure Lynchian is the closest word in English.)

Anonymous said...

Police Squad
I'll Fly Away
Cupid - see previous comment on Paula Marshall. If Cupid meets Sports Night along the way, I am in for Paula Marshall quagmire.

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...