18 June 2008

Trio Trophy - Day Twelve

(Sorry for the late posting - got into work late today and it threw me off)

From the Turn On bracket:

(3) Homefront v. (5) Black Sheep Squadron

Honefront defeated Legend 6-5 in the first round, while Black Sheep Squadron defeated Boomtown 7-5.

From the South of Sunset bracket:

(3) The Young Indiana Jone Chronicles v. (6) TV Nation

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles defeated Undeclared 6-6 in the first round, while TV Nation beat The Associates 11-1.

From the Co-Ed Fever bracket:

(3) The Critic v. (6) Freaks and Geeks

The Critic defeated Voyagers! 11-3, while Freaks and Geeks beat The New Adventures of Beans Baxter, 10-4

From the Public Morals bracket:

(14) Sledge Hammer! v. (11) Square Pegs

Sledge Hammer! beat The Ben Stiller Show 8-6, while Square Pegs defeated The Job 8-5.


Greg said...

Black Sheep Squadron. It apparently had John Larroquette as a pilot, so that's gotta be pretty funny.

TV Nation. If there's one person more in need of a cockpunch than Michael Moore, it's...okay, it's Bono. But if there are *two* people more in need of a cockpunch than Moore, they're Bono and George f'ing Lucas. (and I *like* Moore).

Freaks and Geeks would like to present you this important message about teens and alcohol.

Square Pegs.

Anonymous said...

Black Sheep Squadron

TV Nation

The Critic

Sledge Hammer!
This one had better be a slam dunk. Come male voters. You know deep down in your hearts that, even though you watched Square Pegs for bedtime material, Sledge Hammer was better Television by far.

Brian said...

Black Sheep Squadron

TV Nation


Sledge Hammer!

For want of anything better to post, here's a breakdown of if I've been to the most populous 100 cities in the US, and if so for how...