22 June 2008


From the Turn On bracket:

(10)The Tick d. (2) My So Called Life, 3-0

Quote of the Match: "The Tick - There. I said I'd do it, and a I did it. The fact that it's The Tick that I'm voting for only sweetens the flavor of killing My So Called Life." - mingusmonk

From the South of Sunset bracket

(2) Max Headroom d. (7) Get a Life, 3-0

Quote of the Match: "The way this is going, I'm going to be the only person voting in the finals." - Me

From the Co-Ed Fever bracket:

(10)Kolchak the Night Stalker d. (2) Brooklyn Bridge, 2-1

Quote of the Match: "That would also make me the only person to quote, which means lots of filler crap like this." -Me

From the Public Morals bracket:

(7)Andy Barker, P.I. d. (2) EZ Streets, 2-1

Quote of the Match: "I'd really hoped to see Craig vote on this, as a show with a main character named Barker against a show set in a theoretical Detroit would make his head explode. Unless that's exactly why he didn't vote. Let's hope for the best!" - Me

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